Son of Blackbeard: A Short Film

In this magical realism comedy, the pirate Blackbeard exists in the modern world and has a twenty-something-year-old son who parties through life, coasting on his father’s accomplishments and failing to live up to his expectations—until his menacing father raises the stakes.

Awards and Festivals:

Best of Fest, Best Ensemble Cast, Bucks Fever FilmFest
Curator’s Award (Best of Fest), Cape May Film Festival
Best Comedy Short Film, Best Short Film Nominee, New Hope Film Festival
Best Cinematography Nominee, GenreBlast Film Festival
Best Shot in Philly Nominee, FirstGlance Film Festival
Official Selection, Laugh or Die Comedy Festival
Official Selection. Philadelphia Film Society’s December Film Showcase

Release Date:



Thomas Verdi


Thomas Verdi, Colin Pawlowski


Thomas Verdi


Thomas Foy, Mark Pricskett, Lance Channing, Franky Tarantino, Charley Young


Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased.

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